Confidence affects how we deal with stress and how we fulfill our potential to achieve the results we desire. In sports and in life, confidence is the underlying factor determining mental and
physical performance, leading to overall success. This book by experienced mental performance specialist Isabelle Hamptonstone contains a collection of powerful techniques, tools and tips to
help hockey players gain the confidence they need to perform at the top of their game.
Clear instructions and illustrative case study examples show how training the brain to develop and sustain hockey confidence can upgrade results and help players deal with even the most
stressful situations. Hamptonstone shares step-by-step guidelines gleaned from her years of research working with the giants in the game of hockey, including Wayne Gretzky, Doug Lidster,
Scott Niedermayer, Shane Doan, Darryl Sydor, Jarome Iginla and Mark Recchi. Some of the greatest hockey players in the world have used these very same steps to change their game and change
their lives.
This pragmatic and positive book is a game-changing guide for hockey players, coaches and parents looking for the solution to the challenge of developing hockey confidence. It is a valuable
resource for anyone interested in high-performance hockey, and it’s also a valuable tool for self-development.