A gripping romantic thriller set in a gypsy community. "It began three days ago with a fight. Seems that for me, everything begins with a fight..." Gypsy Girl Sammy Jo may be strong, fast and
tough, even in heels, but she gets into trouble when she fights some local thugs to save rich-boy Gregory. Now bad guy McCloud is after her – and he's even more dangerous than her forbidden
love for Gregory…
Kathryn James has worked with gypsy and traveller children, driving around in a converted bus with a rainbow on the side, doing video and photography projects and documenting travelling
lives. Her novel Mist won the New Horizons First Book Award, and it was shortlisted for the Peter’s Booksellers Fiction Prize and the Lancashire Book of the Year Award. Kathryn lives in
Leicester. Visit her website KathrynJames.co.uk or follow her on Twitter @Kathryn_James.