威廉 ‧ 薩默塞特 ‧ 毛姆(William Somerset Maugham,1874~1965)
出生、居住於法國巴黎,8 歲時母親肺結核去世,10 歲那年父親癌症過世,後被送回英國由叔叔撫養。因身材矮小、口吃嚴重而飽受同學師長取笑,亦不受叔叔疼愛,童年生活憂傷而孤寂(三位哥哥較年長,都已唸大學或入社會)。
17 歲前往德國海德堡留學一年(學習哲學、文學)。18 歲返回英國唸醫學院,5 年後順利畢業,取得內科、外科醫師資格;求學期間多方閱讀文學作品,投入寫作,並在畢業這年出版第一本小說《蘭貝斯的麗莎》(Liza of Lambeth),頗受好評。
決定棄醫從文,就此展開超過一甲子寫作人生。初期多於雜誌發表短篇故事,後與戲劇寫作雙管齊下,劇作產量大且質佳,戲劇不斷上映公演,名利雙收,當時年僅 34 歲。第一次世界大戰期間,先後在醫院與諜報單位服役,並出版首部長篇小說《人性枷鎖》(Of Human Bondage),帶有濃厚自傳味道。1919 年,發表《月亮與六便士》(The Moon and
Sixpence),立刻在美國成為暢銷書,至今仍是最暢銷的長篇。1944 年,另一長篇傑作《剃刀邊緣》(The Razor’s Edge)出版,滿溢印度風情。
事實上,毛姆 40 歲之後,即經常前往當時的第三世界如大溪地、中國、馬來半島、印度、婆羅洲、加勒比海一帶島嶼旅行,後發表多部異國風情濃厚的遊記與上百篇短篇小說,被譽為「英國的莫泊桑」。
1965 年 12 月 16 日,於法國里維拉過世,享年 91 歲。毛姆長於觀察,筆鋒如刀,總能犀利劃開幽深的人性,他的作品讓人深思低迴,將永為後世讀者銘記珍藏。
William Somerset Maugham was born in 1874 and lived in Paris until he was ten. He was educated at King's School, Canterbury, and at Heidelberg University. He spent some time at St. Thomas'
Hospital with the idea of practising medicine, but the success of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth, published in 1897, won him over to literature. Of Human Bondage, the first of his
masterpieces, came out in 1915, and with the publication in 1919 of The Moon and Sixpence his reputation as a novelist was established. At the same time his fame as a successful playwright and
writer was being consolidated with acclaimed productions of various plays and the publication of several short story collections. His other works include travel books, essays, criticism and the
autobiographical The Summing Up and A Writer's Notebook.
In 1927 Somerset Maugham settled in the South of France and lived there until his death in 1965