珍奈.溫特森(Jeanette Witerson, 1959~)
被認為英國當代最好也是最具爭議性的作家之一﹐生於英格蘭的曼徹斯特﹐自小由一對信仰虔誠的夫婦收養﹐當時家中只有六本書﹐其中《亞瑟王之死》激發了她對閱讀與寫作的渴望。19 歲那年,她愛上了一個女孩,引起家庭風暴﹐故而離家自立。她在殯儀館、精神病院等地留宿打工,但仍以全 A 成績考進牛津大學英語系。 1985
年以具有濃厚自傳色彩的處女作《柳橙不是唯一的水果》,一舉奪下英國惠特布雷小說獎﹐由她親自改編的同名 BBC 影集也大獲好評,囊括各個國際大獎。
作風大膽、離經叛道的溫特森,自此一躍成為英國文壇最耀眼的新秀。英國 BBC 電視台的「女性時間」與柳橙文學獎合作,推出一項「女性分水嶺小說」提名票選活動,溫特森有 3 本小說獲得提名,是入選頻率最高的當代小說家。她的作品包括《熱情》、《書寫在身體上》、《決定櫻桃的性別》、《蘋果筆電》和《世界與其他地方》短篇 小說集等。溫特森的作品已經翻譯成 32
2006 年,溫特森以其傑出的文學成就被授予英帝國勳章 (OBE)。
Jeanette Winterson OBE was born in Manchester. Adopted by Pentecostal parents she was raised to be a missionary. This did and didn’t work out.
Discovering early the power of books she left home at 16 to live in a Mini and get on with her education. After graduating from Oxford University she worked for a while in the theatre and
published her first novel at 25. Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit is based on her own upbringing but using herself as a fictional character. She scripted the novel into a BAFTA-winning BBC drama.
27 years later she re-visited that material in the bestselling memoir Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? She has written 10 novels for adults, as well as children’s books, non-fiction and
screenplays. She writes regularly for the Guardian. She lives in the Cotswolds in a wood and in Spitalfields, London.
She believes that art is for everyone and it is her mission to prove it.