A new baby means a hectic household for the whole family. Luckily Gags, the narrator’s grandmother, is always around to help – turning into the Gags machine when the house is in need of a
good clean and dinner must be made. But Gags also has time for fun stuff like playing dress up and going to the park. And when there is so much to pack for the family holiday to the beach, Gags
is a great help too – but everyone soon learns that even Gags machines need a rest.
Catriona Hoy is a Melbourne based writer, teacher, storyteller and mother. Born in Scotland, she moved to Australia as a young child. Catriona begun to write after the birth of her second
daughter. Her title The Music Tree (Lothian Books), illustrated by Adele Jaunn was an Early Childhood Notable Book in the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards in 2007.