Adored by her classroom of 20 children, Kathryn James is a young kindergarten teacher whose good intentions were never meant to be controversial?yet controversy follows her at school and home,
even posthumously, when a manuscript titled A Religion Called Love is discovered. Her mysterious death at age 28 raises questions about faith that divide a community of believers and
non-believers. Among them, Detective Robin Noel is determined to find the guilty party responsible for the tragic loss of her dear friend. Her investigation centers on three men who knew
Kathryn well, each suspected for different reasons. An arrest is made and a courtroom showdown leads to a dubious verdict. Ultimately, there is redemption when the truth about Kathryn’s final
moments are discovered. A Religion Called Love explores themes of friendship, lust, desperation, and loneliness through a humanist lens?it tests the boundaries of belief and leaves the reader
feeling unexpectedly satisfied.