Mia lives with her family in a small South American village beneath the snowy mountains. Their house is put together from the dumped rubbish of the city – it is not much of a place. One day
Mia's father brings her a puppy, which she calls Poco because he's so small. When Poco runs away, Mia travels far up into the mountains to search for him. There she finds some white mountain
flowers, growing under the stars, as well as something much more powerful – hope.
Michael Foreman is one of the world's leading creators of children's books. Working alone on popular titles such as Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish, War Boy and bestselling collections of
nursery and playtime rhymes, he also illustrates the work of other authors as diverse as Terry Jones and Michael Morpurgo, Dickens, Shakespeare and Wilde. Michael lives in London.