Reminiscent of V for Vendetta and Survivor by Chuck Palahnick, this white-knuckle psychological thriller by Blythe Woolston is a ""provocative insight into the mindset of those who see modern
government as an unnecessary evil"" (Publishers Weekly starred review). A must-read for fans of conspiracy theory dramas and thought-provoking speculative fiction.
In a remote part of the US, the paranoid survivalist fringe has begun its war. And Valley is a key weapon. Ever since her mother died suddenly while picking beans in their garden – with
the pock-a-pock of a helicopter overhead – Valley has known she must stay hidden from Those People, who would kill her without a second thought. But now, with her father unexpectedly gone and
no home to go back to, a teenage Valley and her big brother, Bo, must bring their message to the outside world. Alternating between past and present vignettes in prose as tightly wound as
the springs of a clock, readers will be gripped right to the final, explosive end.