This is the first code of Practice for Programme Management for the built Environment. It is a natural development from the highly successful code of Practice for Project Management for
Construction & development, which was first published in 1992 and is currently in its fifth edition. Both Codes of Practice were developed by representatives from the major professional
institutions associated with the built environment, including the CIOB, RICS, RIBA, ICE and APM, as well as from key government departments, domestic and international corporations and the
university sector.
By aligning, coordinating and managing a number of related projects as a programme, benefits that would not have been possible to realise had the projects been managed independently can be
This Cod of Practice is intended to provide practical coverage of the general processes and procedures to be followed when managing such a programme. It sets out the necessary requirements for
effective and efficient programme management, while at the same time ensuring systematic quality control and documentation through governance arrangements.