Move over Grumpy Cat, there’s a new pet in town! Meet René-Charles, an adorable 2-year-old French bulldog with a personality as big and bold as the Big Apple. René-Charles is to French
bulldogs what Samantha is to Sex and the City or Khloé is to the Kardashians. He’s outwardly social and always thirsty for a cocktail or a ?puppichino” from Starbucks. He doesn’t ?eat lunch,”
he lunches. He doesn’t ?get dinner,” he dines. And he cares more about who you’re wearing than what you’re wearing. But like us, he struggles with social anxieties, insecurities, and his
appearance?so he’ll win a piece of your heart. René Charles: NYC follows his daily life in the big city, with more than 80 photos plus stories and commentary straight from the puppy’s