Institutional Case Studies on Necessity Entrepreneurship

Institutional Case Studies on Necessity Entrepreneurship
NT $ 5,625


Entrepreneurship and other specialists from around the world present 12 essays on programs and initiatives training necessity entrepreneurs around the world: government-funded programs in Europe and the US to help individuals transition from unemployment to self-employment; private and non-governmental programs in India, China, Mexico, and the Philippines to help mentor entrepreneurs, aid microcredit borrowers to establish small businesses, and help female-led micro businesses; and high-impact programs in Mexico, Brazil, and the US, including microfranchising programs. Programs include the Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust, Hanhua Guarantee, Prospera, the Academy for Creating Enterprise, Entrepreneurship Finance Lab, and SEBRAE (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio ás Micro e Pequenas). The book is the second in a two-volume series on necessity entrepreneurs and necessity entrepreneurship around the world. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (
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