Take a brew-lover’s trip around the world in this definitive, revised, and expanded guide.
Join renowned experts Tim Webb and Stephen Beaumont on the ultimate beer journey, covering more than 35 countries from Austria to New Zealand. This richly illustrated, comprehensive guide
kicks off in Europe, travels through the Americas, and ends in Asia. Along the way, you’ll learn about everything from the wheat beers of Bavaria, Belgium’s Trappist ales, and Finnish sahti
to British bitters, barrel-aged Californian beers, Vietnamese bìa hoi, and more, with full tasting notes for over 500 must-try brews. Webb and Beaumont also offer a fascinating history of
beer and an in-depth look at the science and art of beermaking. This newly revised and expanded edition of The World Atlas of Beer features ten additional countries—including Poland,
Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, and China—as well as up-to-the-moment beer industry information and trends. With this ultimate companion in hand, you can explore the best beers in the
whole world.