Amedeo Modigliani
$698 -
Relational Art: A Guided Tour
$4,455 -
Railway Stations
$873 -
Willem De Rooij: Index
$1,798 -
Creating the Countryside: The Rural Idyll Past and Present
$1,400 -
Hexen 2.0 Tarot
$1,048 -
Curatorial Roundtable
$350 -
Destruction Rites: Ephemerality and Demolition in Postwar Visual Culture
$4,455 -
See Yourself X: Human Futures Expanded
$1,575 -
The Manuscript Average
$1,125 -
Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art
$698 -
Writing Postindustrial Places: Technoculture Amid the Cornfields
$6,750 -
Thai Art: Currencies of the Contemporary
$1,153 -
The Big Picture: Contemporary Art in 10 Works by 10 Artists
$1,048 -
The French Art Novel, 1900 - 1930
$5,400 -
Towards an Aesthetics of Production
$1,350 -
Art and Text
$1,048 -
The Art Lovers Quotation Book
$438 -
Nadia Seboussi: Hidad
$698 -
Crags and Ravines Make a Marvellous View: A Study of Wu Bin’s Unique 17th Century Scroll Painting "Ten Views of a Lingbi Rock"