The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: Stories

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: Stories
NT $ 249
  • 作者:Stephen King
  • 出版社:Simon & Schuster, Inc.
  • 出版日期:2016-09-06
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1501146424
  • ISBN13:9781501146428
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


Features the Edgar Award-winning Story “Obits”

  A master storyteller at his best — the O. Henry Prize winner Stephen King delivers a generous collection of stories, several of them brand-new, featuring revelatory autobiographical comments on when, why, and how he came to write (or rewrite) each story.

  Since his first collection, Nightshift, published thirty-five years ago, Stephen King has dazzled readers with his genius as a writer of short fiction. In this new collection he assembles, for the first time, recent stories that have never been published in a book. He introduces each with a passage about its origins or his motivations for writing it.

  There are thrilling connections between stories; themes of morality, the afterlife, guilt, what we would do differently if we could see into the future or correct the mistakes of the past. “Afterlife” is about a man who died of colon cancer and keeps reliving the same life, repeating his mistakes over and over again. Several stories feature characters at the end of life, revisiting their crimes and misdemeanors. Other stories address what happens when someone discovers that he has supernatural powers — the columnist who kills people by writing their obituaries in “Obits;” the old judge in “The Dune” who, as a boy, canoed to a deserted island and saw names written in the sand, the names of people who then died in freak accidents. In “Morality,” King looks at how a marriage and two lives fall apart after the wife and husband enter into what seems, at first, a devil’s pact they can win.

  Magnificent, eerie, utterly compelling, these stories comprise one of King’s finest gifts to his constant reader — “I made them especially for you,” says King. “Feel free to examine them, but please be careful. The best of them have teeth.”




史蒂芬.金Stephen King

  1947年生於美國緬因州波特蘭市。自1973年出版第一部長篇小說 《魔女嘉莉》後,到目前為止已寫了五十多部長篇小說和二百多篇短篇小說。他的筆法細膩,善於從大家再熟悉不過的日常生活事物中,帶給讀者如同身歷其境的恐 怖感。作品已被翻譯成三十多種語言,暢銷超過三億五千萬本,甚至被譽為「每個美國家庭都有兩本書,一本是《聖經》,另一本則是史蒂芬‧金的小說」。

   他的作品也是影視改編的熱門題材,其中《魔女嘉莉》是他一鳴驚人的出道作,並多次被改編拍成電影;《鬼店》、《牠》與《末日逼近》則被譽為他的三大代表 作,也均被改編成電影或電視影集,《末日逼近》且已由華納兄弟電影公司買下電影版權。《穹頂之下》則於2013年由奧斯卡金獎大導演史蒂芬‧史匹柏擔任監 製,改編為同名電視影集,並刷新美國CBS電視台夏季檔影集自1992年以來的最高收視紀錄!

  2003年,史蒂芬‧金獲得美國國家圖 書基金會頒發「傑出貢獻獎」;2004年,他榮獲世界奇幻文學獎「終身成就獎」;2007年他獲頒愛倫坡獎的「大師獎」;2008年則以《魔島》和《日落 之後》同時囊括「史鐸克獎」最佳長篇小說及短篇小說獎;2010年,他又以《暗夜無星》贏得「史鐸克獎」最佳小說選集和「英倫奇幻獎」最佳小說選 集;2015年,他以《賓士先生》再次榮獲「愛倫坡獎」。這些獎項的肯定,也在在彰顯出他無可取代的大師地位。


   Stephen King is the author of more than fifty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. His recent work includes End of Watch, the short story collection The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, Finders Keepers, Mr. Mercedes (an Edgar Award winner for Best Novel), Doctor Sleep, andUnder the Dome. His novel 11/22/63 — a recent Hulu original television series event — was named a top ten book of 2011 by The New York Times Book Review and won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Mystery/Thriller as well as the Best Hardcover Book Award from the International Thriller Writers. His epic series, The Dark Tower, is the basis for a major motion picture from Sony. He is the recipient of the 2014 National Medal of Arts and the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. He lives in Bangor, Maine, with his wife, novelist Tabitha King.
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