Statistics from the United States Department of Justice regularly report that more than half of all of violent crime is perpetrated against unarmed women. Whether you are part of this
demographic or you have a loved one who is, do you have a plan for when danger strikes? Do you know how to defend yourself against attack or assault? InLiving an Armed Life, NRA
instructor and author Lynne Finch lists and explains expert tactics to help prepare women to protect themselves throughout their lives. Finch deftly covers dozens of topics pertaining to
defending yourself as a woman, with chapters on:
Choosing when and where to carry
How to carry (both on and off the body)
Discerning when and when not to shoot
Arming yourself as you age
The effects of fear and adrenaline on your mental state
Finch’s text is an essential read for every womanfrom the young college student to the elderly grandmotherwho is looking to learn how to best defend herself. You unfortunately will never know
when danger is about to strike, but after readingLiving an Armed Life, at least you’ll be prepared when it does.