The View from the O-Line is an NFL narrative that has yet to be told, about men who game-in and game-out take grueling physical punishment without the expectation of fame and media
attention. These are the men who make up the offensive line.
Howard Mudd spent more than forty years in the NFL, first as a player and later as a coach. His narrative anchors this work while more than twenty contributors: current and former NFL
playersincluding Nick Mangold, Jeff Saturday, Frank Winters, and Jackie Slaterexecutives, and officials, add their richly told stories that chronicle the biases faced and overcome by those in
this intricate and underestimated position, weaving together an admirable new image of the men playing the sport for reasons beyond simple glory. Clever in craft and modest in spirit, these
unheralded players wield the power to make or break a game.