Rube Goldberg Inventions 2017 Calendar

Rube Goldberg Inventions 2017 Calendar
NT $ 595


This 2017 calendar is chock-full of Rube Goldberg’s genius cartoons and comics depicting crazy contraptions, wacky devices, zany engineering methods, and utter madcap brilliance.
Each month features Rube’s funniest, not to mention most-popular, inventions. With its brilliant comic-style design, this calendar undoubtedly captures the spirit of the cleverest cartoonist ever. Because not many of us make it into the dictionary as an adjective. But then again, Rube Goldberg was no ordinary noun. From Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary: Rube Gold·berg. adjective. Accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply; also : characterized by such complex means.
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