Signature Spaces: The Well-traveled Interiors of Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen

Signature Spaces: The Well-traveled Interiors of Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen
NT $ 2,100
  • 作者:MoschinoPaolo/ VergeylenPhilip
  • 出版社:Vendome Pr
  • 出版日期:2016-11-08
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0865653305
  • ISBN13:9780865653306
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 26.7 x 30.5 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


"This lavishly illustrated volume explores the interior world of Paolo Moschino and Philip Vergeylen, the talented duo behind the award-winning design studio Paolo Moschino for Nicholas Haslam Limited. Acknowledged by Architectural Digest as one of the top 100 designers in the world, Moschino and Vergeylen not only create inspiring home environments for elite clients, but also design their own line of furniture, lighting, fabrics, and accessories. Illustrated with hundreds of stunning photographs and drawings, the book reveals projects from all over the world, together with pictures of people and places that continue to be a source of inspiration for them on their continuous search for beauty"--
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