"I would never witness anything interesting. I would never write anything beyond memos and flap copy and travel itineraries. I would simply love my wife and my daughters and hold them close and
continue to take in meaningless midweek doubleheaders and mismanage the selling strategies of our midlist titles and ride along whatever middling currents I could manage until I washed up on
some predictable shore." It’s the late Nineties on the Upper West Side and book publicist David Felb (nee Felber, nee Felberstein) can sense his world shrinking. He is stuck in the slow lane at
"a venerable second-tier publishing house” and feeling the encroaching changes technology will bring as he struggles to maintain a bond with his wife and three young daughters. Into the
void steps Fred "Sure Shot" Dunlap, a tweed-clad, waxed-mustached nineteenth-century baseball legend with still impeccable timing who died penniless and obscure and seems to need something from
Felb. Or is it the other way around? Felb dutifully goes to weekly psychiatrist appointments at his wife’s insistence, but when his hard-to-reach baseball-mad teenage daughter develops her own
fascination, he can feel a chance to recapture something lost.Daniel Paisner’s enchanting new novel about neurosis, intimacy, and balancing familial needs while juggling two careers and the
demands of modern life is also a charming and memorable parable about losing your mind and finding yourself in the age of anxiety.