Milton Friedman is widely regarded as one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century. Although he made many important contributions to both economic theory and policy - most
clearly demonstrated by his development of and support for monetarism - he was also active in various spheres of public policy, where he more often than not pursued his championing of the free
market and liberty.
This volume assesses the importance of the full range of Friedman’s ideas, from his work on methodology in economics, his highly innovative consumption theory, and his extensive research on
monetary economics, to his views on contentious social and political issues such as education, conscription, and drugs. It also presents personal recollections of Friedman by some of those who
knew him, both as students and colleagues, and offers new evidence on Friedman’s interactions with other noted economists, including George Stigler and Lionel Robbins.
The volume provides readers with an up to date account of Friedman’s work and continuing influence and will help to inform and stimulate further research across a variety of areas, including
macroeconomics, the history of economic thought, as well as the development and different uses of public policy. With contributions from a stellar cast, this book will be invaluable to
academics and students alike.