雍.卡拉森代表作《帽子三部曲最終回》完整版套書 (三冊合售) Jon Klassen Hat trilogy

雍.卡拉森代表作《帽子三部曲最終回》完整版套書 (三冊合售) Jon Klassen Hat trilogy
NT $ 1,485
  • 作者:Jon Klassen
  • 出版社:Walker Books Ltd.
  • 出版日期:2016-10-11
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:140637458X
  • ISBN13:9781406374582
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版



I want My Hat Back《找回我的帽子》平裝
This is Not My Hat 《這不是我的帽子》平裝
We Found a Hat   《發現一頂帽子》精裝

看似平淡無奇的插圖,細看之下卻充滿了頑皮的玄機...這就是Jon Klassen獨特的魅力,他首次獨力完成的繪本作品《I Want My Hat Back》以冷面笑匠的敘事風格和令人驚奇的結局,讓全球讀者開始熱切的追蹤這位繪者的新作品,續作《This is Not My Hat》的故事情節更加流暢,絕無冷場,此書銷售橫掃全球各大暢銷榜並以驚人的成績,勇奪19項圖畫書大獎。2016 年全新發行的《帽子三部曲最終回:發現一頂帽子》,絕對是童書界眾所矚目並引頸期盼的年度盛事。讓我們抓緊我們的帽子,跟著探究,最後「帽子」會落在誰家?(文/博客來編譯)

 I want My Hat Back《找回我的帽子》


The bear’s hat is gone, and he wants it back. Patiently and politely, he asks the animals he comes across, one by one, whether they have seen it. Each animal says no, some more elaborately than others. But just as the bear begins to despond, a deer comes by and asks a simple question that sparks the bear’s memory and renews his search with a vengeance. Told completely in dialogue, this delicious take on the classic repetitive tale plays out in sly illustrations laced with visual humor— and winks at the reader with a wry irreverence that will have kids of all ages thrilled to be in on the joke.

This is Not My Hat 《這不是我的帽子》

一隻小魚,偷了大魚的帽子。 因為這頂帽子小魚戴起來就是那麼的剛好。

When a tiny fish shoots into view wearing a round blue top hat (which happens to fit him perfectly), trouble could be following close behind. So it's a good thing that enormous fish won't wake up. And even if he does, it's not as though he'll ever know what happened, will he. Visual humour swims to the fore as the bestselling Jon Klassen follows his break-out debut with another deadpan-funny tale.

We Found a Hat 《發現一頂帽子》

抓緊你的帽子!英國凱特格林威童書大獎(Kate Greenaway Medal)得主Jon Klassen繼《找回我的帽子》(I want my hat back)及《這不是我的帽子》(This is not my hat)之後,萬眾矚目的帽子第三部曲《We found a hat》終於問世!兩隻烏龜找到一頂帽子,這頂帽子不管戴在他們誰頭上看起來都挺不賴的,但麻煩的是有兩隻烏龜,卻只有一頂帽子…。《We found a hat》用不同視角講述故事的三個部分,歡鬧與同情的情緒貫穿其中,Jon Klassen筆下揮灑的視覺喜劇,再次彰顯出冷面笑匠的幽默功力。(文/博客來編譯)

Hold on to your hats! From the Kate Greenaway-winning creator of I Want My Hat Back and This Is Not My Hat comes the much-anticipated conclusion to the celebrated hat trilogy.
Two turtles have found a hat. The hat looks good on both of them. But there are two turtles. And there is only one hat... Evoking hilarity and sympathy, the shifting eyes tell the tale in this perfectly paced story in three parts, highlighting Jon Klassen's visual comedy, deceptive simplicity and deliciously deadpan humour.





  雍.卡拉森(Jon Klassen)出生於加拿大,現定居美國加州洛杉磯市。他曾經為動畫長片、音樂錄影帶和雜誌書刊等繪圖,為一位知名的插畫家和設計師。


  他曾在夢工廠動畫製片公司(DreamWorks Feature Animation) 做設計工作,並參與過萊卡動畫公司(Laika Studios)的《第十四道門》(CORALINE),以及《功夫熊貓2》(Kung Fu Panda 2)等大型動畫電影。他為英國廣播公司(BBC)設計2010年在溫哥華舉辦的冬季奧運會廣告動畫,贏得英國最大動畫獎——影藝學院獎(BAFTA award)。
  2010年,他以《Cats’Night Out》(作者是 Caroline Stutson)一書榮獲加拿大重要的插畫獎Governor General’s Award for Illustration。2011年,《找回我的帽子》(三之三)是他第一本自寫自畫的作品,獲得 2012年 Theodor Geisel Award 銀牌獎,成為童書界最受矚目的閃亮新星。2013年更以《這不是我的帽子》獲得美國凱迪克金牌獎等共計 19 項獎項。同年,由他繪圖的《Extra Yarn》也拿下美國凱迪克銀牌獎。他成為自凱迪克獎創獎以來,1947年之後,唯一同時拿下金、銀牌雙料殊榮的作家。
  想一賭雍.卡拉森的其他精采作品,可至部落格:jonklassen.tumblr.com/ ;jonklassen.blogspot.tw/

  Jon Klassen is the writer and illustrator of the bestselling and award-winning picture book I Want My Hat Back (9781406343939). He is also the creator of illustrations for the popular series The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, and served as an illustrator on the animated feature film Coraline. His illustrations for Caroline Stutson's Cats Night Out won the Governor General's Award in 2010. Originally from Niagara Falls, Canada, he lives in Los Angeles, USA.

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