Challenging Words is not for everyone. But if you are heels-over-head nuts about language and have a passion for snatching significance from the mass data swirling around us, you will share in
its pages some sublime adventures in re-creation-al linguistics. Each chapter in Challenging Words states a challenge. In the process of meeting those tests, your axons, dendrites, ganglia, and
synapses will get quite a workout as you engage in a series of push-ups of the mind and aerobics of the brain. Like Julius Caesar’s Gaul, Challenging Words is divided into three parts: The
first part, "Sight, Sound, and Sense," plumbs the relationship between how English words are written and how those letters sound. The second part, "Letter-Perfect Challenges," summons the
collide-o-scopic alphabet to dance before the reader’s bedazzled eyes. The third part explores "The Glamour of Grammar." Cavorting through that neighborhood, you may have more fun with grammar
than ever before. Throughout his career, Dr. Richard Lederer has epitomized learning dressed up to have fun.” His mission is to impose order on chaos and sprinkle fairy dust on the mundane.
Enter this great banquet hall of words and you will taste the abundant harvest of our bountiful, multifoliate English language.