Disasters are terrible things: the sinking of the Titanic, the crash of Hindenburg, the collapse of the Tay Bridge, etc.—not funny at all. But Dad Disasters are a completely different
kettle of fish fingers. From DIY debacles to motoring mishaps, your typical Dad is highly skilled in putting his foot in it in a variety of hilarious ways. This book contains a wealth of
stories from around the world illustrating the things Dads can get up to without even trying, and the disastrous situations famous Dads have created. Plus, a collection of the silliest things
ever done by ordinary Dads to put their own stamp on family history. And, of course, no book for Dads would be complete without a sprinkling of jokes old and new about dopey Dads and their
travails. Whether the Dad in your life is a seasoned veteran with all the campaign medals or a terrified new recruit who still doesn’t which way up the baby goes, this is the perfect book for