★美國 Amazon 讀者 4.5 顆星推薦
生命有限,別浪費時間重複別人的人生。--蘋果公司創辦人 賈伯斯
在美國華府,年新 24 萬的紐森,結束五年短暫的律師生涯,變成私人瑜珈老師。紐森:「能讓大家快樂,感覺很好!」
印度的企業分析師達吉拉勒,在網路上分享 Excel 秘訣而意外爆紅,乾脆自立門戶,幫來自世界各地的客戶寫試算表,達吉拉勒:「我把顧客變英雄!」
他邊旅行邊研究,足跡踏遍十幾個國家、六十三個城市,尋訪一百多位小資創業老闆,也親身做過咖啡進口、旅行省錢術、線上課程等生意。透過數百通電話、Skype 視訊、email 訪談,超過 4 千頁的問卷,他發現了小資老闆的成功創業模式。
只要手邊有台幣 3000 元便立刻開始,不向銀行貸款,不寫營運計畫書,不找員工。超過半數的小資老闆沒有經商經驗,也少有人念過商學院;他們的產品或服務幾乎不需要高科技或特殊專業,不僅成功擺脫吃不飽也餓不死的上班生活,年收入遠超過之前的薪資,並享有再多錢也買不到的自由。
In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau shows you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose – and earn a good living.
Still in his early thirties, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth – he’s already visited more than 175 nations – and yet he’s never held a “real job” or earned
a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back.
There are many others like Chris – those who’ve found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving
that perfect blend of passion and income doesn’t depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the
real plunge when you're sure it's successful.
In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that
group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be
monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment.
Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about
finding the intersection between your “expertise” – even if you don’t consider it such -- and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even
employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid.
Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did
in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key
principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish – sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action
In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change
our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.