Part of a project, “Staging Beckett: The Impact of Productions of Samuel Beckett’s Drama on Theatre Practice and Cultures in the UK and Ireland,” the 12 essays in this volume explore how the
drama of Samuel Beckett has been staged in Ireland and Northern Ireland since 1955. Directors and drama scholars from the UK address specific plays, and dramaturgy, design, institutional
agendas, and critical reception, as well as economic and cultural contexts. They discuss productions of the Abbey; the Gate Theatre and actor Barry McGovern’s association with the theatre and
Beckett’s work; Focus Theatre productions; the Lyric Theatre productions; productions of Waiting for Godot by the Pike, Abbey, and Irish Theatre Company; productions of Beckett in Irish; the
Druid production of Waiting for Godot; site-specific practice; and genre aspects. A companion volume covers stagings in Great Britain. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR