When the grand plush theaters of the past become empty or abandoned, activities and events do not stop taking place, says Correiri, it is just that different entities and forms of agency than
humans take center stage: other animals, insects, vegetal matter, swirls of dust, animations of the inanimate. He examines four theaters, asking what theaters do when their intended
function--the presentation of performances--is no longer central or necessary. They theaters are the Cuvilliés-Theater, a dismantled and reconstituted baroque opera house in Munich; Dalston
Theatre in London, demolished as part of the city’s regeneration; Teatro Olimpico, a perfectly preserved Renaissance theater in the Italian city of Vicenza; and Teatro Amazonas, a century-old
opera house in the north Brazilian city of Manaus. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)