Manhattan Prep’s LSAT Logic Games is truly cutting edge. Containing the best of Manhattan Prep’s proven strategies, this book will teach you how to tackle the LSAT logic games
efficiently and flexibly.
Beginning with how to recognize each and every game type, LSAT Logic Games takes you through the entire solving process. You will learn strategies for making inferences, techniques
for accurate diagramming, and tools for improving your time management.
Each chapter is designed to encourage mastery with timed drill sets that use real LSAT logic game questions and provide in-depth explanations, including hand-drawn diagrams and notes from
Manhattan Prep’s expert LSAT instructors. The book wraps with coached practice sets and complete solutions to all the logic games in PrepTests 40-70.
Additional resources are available online through the Manhattan Prep website. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep materials,LSAT Logic Games will push you to your top score.