The Coffee Break Screenwriter: Writing Your Script Ten Minutes at a Time
$943 -
Screenwriting: Script to Screen
$453 -
Writing for the Green Light: How to Make Your Script the One Hollywood Notices
$1,393 -
Dialogue: The Art of Verbal Action for Page, Stage, and Screen
$1,225 -
Writing for TV and Radio: A Writers’ and Artists’ Companion
$873 -
The French Screen Goddess: Film Stardom and the Modern Woman in 1930s France
$5,400 -
Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting
$420 -
Writing for the Green Light: How to Make Your Script the One Hollywood Notices
$6,750 -
Script Partners: How to Succeed at Co-Writing for Film & TV
$6,750 -
Screenwriting Fundamentals: The Art and Craft of Visual Writing
$1,573 -
Screenwriters and Screenwriting: Putting Practice into Context
$3,825 -
Screenplay: Building Story Through Character
$2,248 -
Storyboarding: A Critical History
$4,455 -
Hollywood Screenwriting Directory Spring/Summer
$1,750 -
My Old Lady: Complete Stage Play and Screenplay With an Essay on Adaptation
$595 -
Ethics in Screenwriting: New Perspectives
$4,500 -
Scripting the Environment: Oil, Democracy and the Sands of Time and Space
$4,500 -
Writing the Comedy Movie
$4,050 -
Dialogue: The Art of Verbal Action for Page, Stage, and Screen: Library Edition: Includes PDF Disc
$3,500 -
Noel Coward Screenplays: In Which We Serve, Brief Encounter, The Astonished Heart