在世界知名品牌邀請之下,本書作者馬汀.林斯壯(Martin Lindstrom)在一年內花費了300個夜晚,潛入陌生人家中,觀察究竟是什麼關鍵讓客戶埋單,那些隱藏在慾望背後的每一個細節,如何化身成為購買萬元產品的實際行為。
.一只普通的手鐲,如何在不到一年的時間內,幫助珍妮.克雷格(世界知名瘦身、體重控制及食品營養機構Jenny Craig, Inc.創辦人)增加159%顧客忠誠度?
The bestselling author of Buyology maps the subtlest desires of people around the world - and shows how they lead to breakthrough products and services
Hired by the world's leading brands to find out what makes their customers tick, Martin Lindstrom spends 300 nights a year overseas, closely observing people in their homes. His goal: to
uncover their hidden desires and turn them into breakthrough products for the world's leading brands. In a world besotted by the power of Big Data, he works like a modern-day Sherlock Holmes,
accumulating small clues to help solve a stunningly diverse array of challenges. In Switzerland, a stuffed teddy bear in a teenage girl's bedroom helped revolutionize 1,000 stores, spread
across twenty countries, for one of Europe's largest fashion retailers. In Dubai, a bracelet strung with pearls helped Jenny Craig offset its declining membership in the United States and
increase loyalty by 159 percent in only a year. And in China, the look of a car dashboard led to the design of the Roomba vacuum - a great American success story. How? Lindstrom connects the
dots in this globetrotting narrative that will fascinate not only marketers and brand managers, but anyone interested in the infinite variations of human behavior.
Small Data combines armchair travel with forensic psychology into an interlocking series of international clue-gathering detective stories. It presents a rare behind-the-scenes look at what
it takes to create global brands; and along the way, reveals surprising and counter-intuitive truths about what connects us all as humans.