DISCOVER THE PATH TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM After a life of hard work, it will finally be time to settle down and enjoy the freedom of retirement. But how do you know you’ll be able to realize that
dream? In Your Personal Retirement Machine, Richard Cella explains strategies that help you develop and accomplish your financial goals for a successful retirement. Richard refers to this as
financial freedom—the ability to do the things that you enjoy doing while living the lifestyle you prefer and having the freedom to do that without concern for money. First, you must adjust how
you view your finances to ensure you make solid financial decisions. The book provides simple yet powerful analogies that help you do this and may provide you with a clear path to accomplishing
true financial freedom. You’ll learn how to: • View your income and finances correctly • Think differently about retirement planning • Understand the impact of your financial decisions • Learn
simple equations to calculate savings and retirement goals • Establish investment allocation strategies • Learn about “distribution strategies” during retirement. Armed with the know-how in
Your Personal Retirement Machine, you’ll have the information you need to help generate, sustain, and protect your wealth throughout your retirement years and beyond.