Crowded in the Middle of Nowhere: Tales of Humor and Healing from Rural America is a collection of humorous and poignant stories from a veterinarian in a small, dusty farming and
ranching community in rural West Texas. Dr. Brock gives you an intimate look into his small-town and big-hearted perspective on life, animals, and their owners. His unique perspective and
tales of doctoring beloved pets, cantankerous livestock, and occasionally their owners will make you smile, laugh, cry, and evoke every other emotion under the sun.
Crowded in the Middle of Nowhere is Bo Brock’s first book. Its first printing has been ranked as high as #5 on the Amazon Best Selling Humor List and won the 2015 Chicago Animals,
Animals, Animals Book Festival grand prize. Dr. Bo Brock, DVM, owns a thriving, multispecies veterinary clinic in Lamesa, Texas (population 9,207 and sometimes referred to as “the middle of
nowhere”). He graduated magna cum laude from Texas A&M University and was voted equine practitioner of the year for the state of Texas in 2007. In addition to his thriving veterinary
practice and moonlighting as an author, Bo is an active public speaker and adjunct professor at Texas Tech University.