For those who know…
that something is going on…
The witnesses are legion, scattered across the world and dotted through history, people who looked up and saw something impossible lighting up the night sky. What those objects were, where they
came from and who—or what—might be inside them is the subject of fierce debate and equally fierce mockery so that most who glimpsed them came to wish they hadn’t.
Most, but not everyone.
Among those who, like the toll of a bell that can’t be un-rung, know what they’ve seen, and are forever changed by it, are a soldier, a socialite, a pilot, and a prisoner. From the
waning days of the 20th century’s final great war to the fraught fields of Afghanistan to the otherworldly secrets hidden amid Nevada’s dusty neverlands—the truth thatis out there will
propel each of them into a labyrinth of otherworldly technology and the competing aims of those who might seek to prevent—or harness—these beings of unfathomable power. Because, as it
turns out, we are not the only ones who can invent and build…and destroy.
Featuring actual events and other truths drawn from sources within the military and intelligence community, Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley offer a tale at once terrifying, fantastical and perhaps
all too real. Though it is, of course, a work of…