The children’s book The Journey of The Paper Heart” tells the captivating story of a young girl, a paper heart, an enchanting city, and its rich history and traditions. Through Rosalina and her
paper heart, the message is revealed that only when we share the best moments with others are we able to fully enjoy them. Rosalina’s paper heart is a gift to her, and in turn, it brings her
comfort. Love is a continuous gift. Once given, it has no boundaries but expands and fills the empty spaces. As the paper heart travels through the glorious city of Paris, it becomes evident
that without sharing the most beautiful moments of our lives with others, they will only be grey at best. Much like the stunning landmarks and legends of Paris that appear without color for the
paper heart, our lives are dull without the company of others. The paper heart realizes that companionship yields the greatest benefits: guidance when facing new situations, appreciation for
beauty when looking at the world, wonder at the grandeur of the most treasured moments, and acceptance of all that makes us artfully imperfect and unique.