Big Cats in the Art of Robert Dallet: Fierce and Fragile
- 作者:Alan/ Baqué,Dallet,Dominique/ Coleno,Nadine,Robert (ART)/ Rabinowitz
- 出版社:Actes Sud
- 出版日期:2016-03-22
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:2330057601
- ISBN13:9782330057602
- 裝訂:精裝 / 35.6 x 27.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級 / 譯本
本書收錄法國動物學家暨藝術家Robert Dallet未曾公開的動物畫草稿、水彩畫、及他與Hermès(愛馬仕)共同合作的絲巾圖案。2016年是他逝世 10 周年及 Panthera 貓科保護協會成立 10 周年,除了由Hermès於全球巡迴進行以「野性與脆弱」(Fierce and Fragile)為題的紀念展覽外,Actes Sud與Hermès特別共同出版Fierce and Fragile: Big Cats in the Art of Robert Dallet一書,將Robert Dallet描繪、記錄貓科動物如老虎、獅子、雲豹等野生姿態畫作,及他畢生致力喚起全球動物保育意識,及動物、自然間的共生共存獨有的和諧世界展現在世人眼前。
A luxury book for lovers of exotic wildlife and extreme civilization, this book contains the inimitable animal paintings of Robert Dallet, immortalized in more than 20 silk prints by Hermès.
In keeping with Hermès’ theme for 2016, "Nature at a Gallop," this album is devoted to the work of Robert Dallet (1923–2006). Dallet, a French painter and illustrator, devoted his life to
the representation of wildlife, especially the beauty of big cats. This work presents a previously unpublished selection of watercolors and sketches, paying tribute to the talent and
sensitivity of an animal painter adopted by Hermès. The account is also an act of defiance against the gradual disappearance of a threatened world.
Professor Alan Rabinowitz, Director of the Panthera Corporation in New York, looks at Robert Dallet’s work from a zoological perspective; Dominique Baqué, a professor at Université Paris
VIII, examines its place in the history of Western animal painting; and the writer Nadine Coleno looks at the encounter between the artist and Hermès, which gave birth to over 20 beautiful
silk prints.