教書事業一帆風順、外型帥氣,還是個運動好手的佩利格林‧邁克皮斯,在他 30 歲生日那年開始思索,他是否想要一輩子都當個教書匠?在決定一腳踢開學術圈、決定奔向自由生活之前,他的女友葛兒 ‧柏金斯也必須下定決心,是否該放棄即將展開的律師事業,追隨佩利去天涯海角?
「儘管不是喬治 ‧
《我輩叛徒》中真正天才和令人心驚肉跳的,就是赫克特與路克如何周旋在狄馬與英國情報部門的交易之間…… 其成果便是作者近年來最令人毛骨悚然的驚悚小說。」
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Ewan McGregor, Naomie Harris, Stellan Skarsgård and Damian Lewis
The Pigeon Tunnel, John le Carré's first work of non-fiction, will be available from Viking in September 2016
Chosen as a Best Book of the Year by the The Washington Post, Publishers Weekly, and Kirkus Reviews
In this exquisitely told novel, John le Carré shows us once again his acute understanding of the world we live in and where power really lies.
In the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and with Britain on the brink of economic ruin, a young English couple takes a vacation in Antigua. There they meet Dima, a Russian who styles
himself the world’s Number One money-launderer and who wants, among other things, a game of tennis. Back in London, the couple is subjected to an interrogation by the British Secret service who
also need their help. Their acquiescence will lead them on a precarious journey through Paris to a safe house in Switzerland, helpless pawns in a game of nations that reveals the unholy
alliances between the Russian mafia, the City of London, the government and the competing factions of the British Secret Service.