The saga continues! Charlie is 26 years old now. As he is coming out of his shell he meets the girl of his dreams; young, virtuous, playful, and very innocent. Her long red hair and milky white
complexion overwhelms Charlie’s passionate heart. The problem, she is in love with another guy. So he devises a plan to win her heart while ridding himself of his rival. He does this in a most
ingenious way. Charlie’s love conjures up the elements that gives his character strength and courage. He becomes cunning like a beast of prey! It is here where Charlie shows the world what love
can do to a simple man. How it shapes his heart and builds up his self-confidence into something glorious. He now has the power to overcome anything and everything and fear doesn’t exist. It is
love that molds a man’s inner self into a new creature; a creature with authority and courage. By learning about Charlie Delaney the world will admire him forever with a majestic fascination of
sheer determination, drive, and accomplishment.