When experienced chess teacher Emmanuel Neiman learned that some of his pupils hesitated to play in competitions for fear of being crushed in the opening, he wanted to help. Neiman
knew that amateurs have little time to study opening theory, so he had to come up with a practical, complete, easy to learn and solid opening repertoire that would not outdate
And that is what he did. Neiman advises amateurs to play (with both colours!) the flexible King’s Fianchetto system, where the Bishop is a defender of the King and at the same time
an attacker. No matter what side you are, you use the same basic ideas.
Neiman has teamed up with Grandmaster Samy Shoker, and together they created a complete and practical repertoire which will give club players a solid and flexible middlegame
position they can feel at home in, without the arduous task of memorizing long and forcing variations. Even (very) strong players will find their ideas useful as an easy-to-play occasional