Stars of Fortune: by Nora Roberts | A 15-Minute Summary & Analysis Preview: This book, the first of a trilogy, follows Sasha Riggs, an unusual woman with the gift of prophetic dreams and a
second sight that allows her to paint the future. In following the images of her dreams, she travels to Greece and meets five other seekers, each with their own unique gifts and secrets.
Together they must find the first of the three stars: the Fire Star. They have to learn to work together and trust one another with their secrets in order to stop the evil goddess Nerezza from
stealing the star for her own and destroying the world with darkness. Sasha, in particular, must learn to trust her gifts and her power in order to become the woman she sees herself as in her
dreams. PLEASE NOTE: This is a Summary and Analysis of the book and NOT the original book. This companion includes the following: • Book Overview • Main and Secondary Character List • Summary
of the Chapters • Discussion Questions for both Readers & Book Clubs • Discussion & Analysis of Themes, Symbols… This Analysis fills the gap, making you understand more while enhancing
your reading experience.