Take A Shot the second novel from Paul S. Anderson is a story of self-discovery for an adult. The novel starts off with the nararator, Dave Stevens, in his favorite bar. Dave has been a heavy
drinker for many years and has done all that he can to hide from the world. Being a regular he has grown close to two of the female bartenders that work at the bar, Tara and Kristi. He has been
enthralled by Tara from the moment he got to meet her and has begun to question his drinking after a kiss they shared one late night. In getting to know Kristi, he wonders why she questions him
on his drinking excesses. It is after an argument with Kristi over her concern for his well-being that Dave has his moment of clarity and finally decides that he needs to go back into his
personal demons and discover the events that led him to choosing a life that was controlled by alcohol. It is on his journey through his soul that he understands the events of his life are not
to blame for his choice and that facing your problems is a better solution than escaping them. It is through his self-discovery that he decideds to take a shot at life.