一九二九年生於捷克的布爾諾。一九七五年流亡移居法國。作品有長篇小說:《玩笑》、《賦別曲》 (榮獲義大利最佳外國文學獎)、《生活在他方》(榮獲法國文壇最高榮譽之一的『麥迪西大獎』)、《笑忘書》、《生命中不能承受之輕》、《不朽》、《緩 慢》、《身分》、《無知》;短篇小說集:《可笑的愛》;評論集:《小說的藝術》、《被背叛的遺囑》、《簾幕》;此外還有一部舞台劇本《雅克和他的主人》
The French-Czech novelist Milan Kundera was born in the Czech Republic and has lived in France since 1975. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed and bestselling novels The Joke,
Life is Elsewhere, The Farewell Waltz, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Immortality, and the short-story collection Laughable Loves -- all originally in
Czech. His more recent novels , Slowness, Identity, and Ignorance, as well as his nonfiction works, The Art of the Novel, Testaments Betrayed, The Curtain, and Encounter, were originally
written in French.