Guide to FAR Contract Clauses provides detailed, plain English explanations for every Federal Acquisition Regulation solicitation provision and contract clause in a simple,
straightforward format--consolidating reporting requirements, subcontract flowdowns, related supplements, and other important compliance information so you can save hours of research.
The full text of every FAR clause and provision is provided in a clearly organized guidebook format, and an easy-to-read accompaniment outlines every important detail pertaining to each
provision or clause.
- Incorporation by reference authorization
- Applicable UCF section
- The section of the FAR where prescribed
- Applicability
- Reporting requirements
- Related agency supplements
- A history of recent amendments
- A clear checklist of every contract type requirement and/or purpose of contract requirement
- Subcontract flowdown requirements
- Plain language descriptions
- And more!
- Accelerated payments to small business subcontractors
- Allowability of legal costs for whistleblower proceedings
- Applicability of the Senior Executive Compensation Benchmark
- Biobased reporting requirements
- Changes to time-and-materials and labor-hour contracts
- Contacting with women-owned small business concerns
- Contingency operations
- Contracting Officer’s Representative
- Contracting with inverted domestic corporations
- Contractors performing private security functions outside the United States
- Documenting contractor performance
- Enhancement of contractor employee whistelblower protections
- Free trade agreements
- Government property
- Interagency acquisitions: compliance with Defense procurement requirements
- Iran threat reduction
- Least developed countries that are designated countries
- Nondisplacement of qualified workers under service contracts
- Price analysis techniques
- Prioritizing sources of supplies and services
- Protests of task and delivery order contracts
- Report to Congress on foreign-manufactured products
- Service contracts reporting
- Sunset date for protests of task and delivery orders
- System for Award Management
- Terms of service and open-ended indemnification
- Trade agreements thresholds
- Unallowability of costs associated with foreign contractor excise tax
- Updated postretirement benefit references
- Use of simplified acquisitions for commercial items