What’s bigger than the Internet? Putting it in every pocket, and in every purse. This changes everything, in ways we are only beginning to understand.
Everywhere you go, people are bent, coiled or crouched studiously, prayerfully over a three-and-a-half-inch screen. They’re scanning, reading, playing, texting, commenting, reviewing, liking,
disagreeing, or checking in. They’re eavesdropping, auditing, window-shopping, traveling un-ticketed, chattering without talking, deskbound while in transit.
Mobile devices have become staples of daily life, and our nonstop use of them has changed societyand the marketing landscapeforever.
In Txt Me, B. Bonin Bough, one of the world’s leaders in digital marketing, explores the exciting impact and future implications of mobile devices and digital information on
individuals, companies, and society.
Including insights from the minds behind Coca-Cola, Conde Nast, NASCAR, and Twitter, Bough breaks down the often counterintuitive ways mobile devices and digital data are reshaping the way we
experience, consume, and think, including:
Why consumers now have more control of their shopping and spending
How mobile phones have actually rescued” language
Why parentsnot kidsshould put down their phones
How our relationship with politicians has evolvedand improved
Why cell phones have improved our interaction with our surroundingsnot hindered it
How mobile devices are enabling us to monitor our personal health
Why marketers should view these changes not as Oh, Damn! threats but as Why Not? Opportunities
Txt Me is a fascinating, funny, entertaining, exploration of how our mobile society is changing the we are behaving, reacting, thinking, learning, parenting, dating, having sex,
eating, worshiping, exercising, and buying. It will challenge, surprise, provoke, and inspire you.