Pulling together over 60 years of recruitment experience we have compiled what we believe is a highly practical and easy to follow graduate job hunting guide. Having helped several thousand job
seekers achieve employment, we have taken key elements of our advice and detailed them in this guide. The guide is a step-by-step, teach yourself instruction manual. Recruiters may spend as
little as 15 seconds when first appraising a CV; in the case of teenagers a survey in The Times states this is 8.8 seconds. So gaining a quick and immediate impact is essential. This guide will
show you how also providing you with CV templates for you to follow. We also show you how to effectively job hunt covering areas including: the meta-crawlers; CV databases; and the use of
LinkedIn; while helping you build a focused action plan ensuring you maximise your activity. This guide also shows you how to approach pre-screening activity such as Skype and telephone
interviews; assessment centre exercises; and include guidance on answering some of the most common interview questions including: What are your strengths / weaknesses? Where do you see yourself
in three years’ time? Highly practical in nature and a guide you will learn a lot from.