The Creation Museum opened on May 28, 2007, in Petersburg, Kentucky with the purpose of turning today’s culture back to the authority of scripture and proclaiming the gospel message. It does
this by demonstrating that “the account of origins presented in Genesis is a simple but factual presentation of actual events”; in other words, the world and everything upon it was created in
six days. The first full-scale scholarly treatment of the Creation Museum, the “crown jewel” of the Answers in Genesis (AiG) apologetics enterprise, is a visual argument on behalf of young
earth creationism and a highly politicized fundamentalism. Citing that a visit to the 75,000-square-feet museum can be an overwhelming experience, the Trollingers aim to slow it down by the
book’s close content analysis of the exhibits, placards, dioramas, videos, and images on display in the museum and of the flood of words produced by the small band of AiG young earth
creationists. They contend that the only way to truly understand the museum is to start with the fundamentalism movement; the museum shares and promotes the movement’s core commitments:
biblical inerrancy, premillennialism, patriarchy, political conservatism, and creationism. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (