"Delve inside China’s massive e-commerce sector to find extraordinary investment opportunity East-Commerce is a detailed exploration of China’s e-commerce explosion, and the opportunities it
brings for global investors. Written by a recognized authorityon e-commerce and technology, this book provides the key to successful investment in this powerful sector. China is creating a
deeply connected world that is already shaping global investment and consumption patterns; opportunities are plentiful, but investors must understand how e-commerce works in China and Asia.
Beginning at the start of the e-commerce explosion, this book details the innovation, the entrepreneurs and the consumers who are driving this massive and well-fuelled industry. Interviews with
influential players include Tencent, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Yihaodian, Gocobuy, Kuaidi Taxi, Rocket Internet, Snapdeal, Tokopedia, DST Global, Credit Suisse, UBS and many more, giving you an
insider’s view of the nuts and bolts underlying profitable investment. China has become the biggest Internet and e-commerce market in the world, with over 650 million users. The opportunities
are readily accessible--but correct strategy is key, and this book gives you the information you need to invest successfully. Track the rapid rise of China’s e-commerce industry Learn how China
is shaping global investment and innovation Discover the new patterns that are exposing new opportunity Design an effective global e-commerce strategy The last several years have seen China
veer away from a Western-driven approach to technological and industrial development, toward a more consumer-driven model. The new business models arising look very little like their Western
counterparts, but present new avenues of growth to global investors based on their remarkable agility and close attention to consumer needs. East-Commerce gives you the background you need to
create informed strategy that drives investment success"--