I wrote a couple of poems on Scottish Independence then posted them in facebook. With the encouragement, comments and compliments received, this gave me the confidence to open a page dedicated
to Independence and brought about: https://www.facebook.com/PoemsforIndependence.I have based these poems on truths, or to put it another way, what the media report so if they are lies, I can
blame them. As most of my friends know, I had no vote in the referendum as I live in London, having moved from Glasgow in 1980. Scotland and its people deserve to be free as do the rest of the
UK from Westminster’s greed. These poems were written for the referendum and though that has come and gone, they are still very relevant today.The vote was NO but as I write, Labour, for all
their lies, has almost diminished in Scotland whilst the SNP has grown at an alarming rate, almost 93,000 Members, and we have a new First Minister in Nicola Sturgeon after Alex Salmond stepped
down. The Green Party and the SSP have also seen massive increases in their Memberships. From Alex Salmond: Dear Paul, I was very flattered to be the subject of one of your works! You are
clearly as talented as you are prolific and it is obvious that Scottish Independence and the referendum have been a source of great inspiration for you. I hope you enjoy the poems in this book,
Paul x