Poetry. Fiction. With collages by the author. Doren Robbins’ unique voice of existential disgust and cynicism comes through in a relentless damning of our culture, politics and state of being.
And yet, it is hilarious, laugh-out-loud funny, the absurdity of the human condition splayed on the pages of TWIN EXTRA for our examination.
"As out there as on an LA freeway. Pushing the mind, the language, the knowable, the absurdities, the ’dipshitalore,’ the passions, the maturity of a surrealist—one’s self and one’s reality.
His intellectual, linguistic, vast roaming in these poems will blow you away in recognition, gratitude, and awe…What an accomplishment! What joy!"—Sharon Doubiago
"TWIN EXTRA is a delicatessen Walt Whitman, satirical yet dead- serious and playing for keeps, coming to grips with the infernal system of life in an ironically and grotesquely distorted
American hell … Doren Robbins’ poems bring to mind the self-revelatory stanzas in Whitman’s ’Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,’ but now the river is underground, the ferry has become Rimbaud’s Drunken
Boat, and the city’s an infernal ruins populated with labyrinthine memories of alienated and damaged souls caught in the contradictions generated by dystopian capitalism."—Uri Hertz