Don’t Be Afraid to Participate!: The Little ABC of Communal Planning and Housing
$525 -
Bucholz Mcavoy Architects
$1,048 -
Smart Growth Entrepreneurs: Partners in Urban Sustainability
$4,500 -
Modern Container Architecture
$1,748 -
Architecture and Agriculture: A Rural Design Guide
$2,473 -
Sustainable Regional Retail Centres: Tools for Planning, Design and Assessment
$4,725 -
Sustainable Architecture
$1,925 -
Urban Street Stormwater Guide
$2,025 -
Lowex Building Design for Zeroemission Architecture
$2,698 -
Blue Dunes: Climate Change by Design
$900 -
Within Walking Distance: Creating Livable Communities for All
$1,800 -
What Makes a Great City
$2,000 -
Thermodynamic Interactions: An Exploration into Physiological, Material and Territorial Atmospheres
$873 -
Bike Boom: The Unexpected Resurgence of Cycling
$2,100 -
Green Dictionary of Advanced Architecture: Advanced Sustainability in Urban and Architectural Practice
$2,098 -
XXL-XS: New Directions on Ecological Design
$1,223 -
Sustainable Steel Buildings: A Practical Guide for Structures and Envelopes
$4,275 -
Clean Energy Urban Design: The Energy Proforma in Policy and Practice
$3,103 -
Prospects for Resilience: Insights from New York City’s Jamaica Bay
$1,800 -
Handbook of Biophilic City Planning and Design