Why You Should Learn Italian Italian might not rank among the top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world, partly because it is the official language of only a few sovereign states.
Nonetheless, it remains highly popular as a second language, even among native English speakers. If you’ve always wondered why Italian needs to be learned as a second language, some of the
reasons might surprise you. Learning the Italian language is a must not only for those who are planning to visit countries where it is used on a broad scale. Among other reasons, it is also for
those who want to: 1. Improve language proficiency, particularly in Latin and English – Italian is the only major language spoken today that is closest to Latin. Experts say that learning
Italian is the first step to learning the Latin language, and since nearly 60% of the English vocabulary comes from Latin, it’s one way of improving your proficiency in your native tongue. 2.
Advance further professionally – Since Italy is recognized as a world leader in fashion, culinary arts, furniture design, shipbuilding, robotics, and aerospace engineering to name a few
industries, familiarity with the language can give you an edge when dealing with companies based in Italy, especially if you plan to work for or do business with them. 3. Have a greater
appreciation for the arts – Many of the greatest cinematic classics in the world were made by Italian filmmakers. Relying on subtitles is okay, but it is more satisfying when you fully
understand the dialogue of what you’re watching without having to think about their respective translations. Learning the basics of the Italian Language will not just teach you vital
expressions and survival phrases that you can learn in one week; it will also help you gain a deeper understanding of the Italian language that you can use if you decide to pursue more advanced
studies. This book provides hundreds of useful expressions, key phrases, and vocabulary that you can use in everyday situations and on special occasions while you’re in Italy or in any other
country where Italian is one of the most commonly spoken languages. It also offers a comprehensive discussion of Italian grammar to help you gain appreciation of the uniqueness and beauty of
the language and help increase your retention of useful Italian phrases and expressions.