Rising Ground: A Search for the Spirit of Place
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The Art of Sketching: 400 Years of Travel Diaries
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Atlas of Lost Cities: A Travel Guide to Abandoned and Forsaken Destinations
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The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New
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Zambian Portraits
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The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New
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Travels With a Donkey in the Cevennes
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The Travels of Ibn Battuta: A Guided Arabic Reader
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A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli
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Meandering: Notes of a Mississippi Riverlorian
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Britain and the Narration of Travel in the Nineteenth Century: Texts, Images, Objects
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The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
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White Sands: Experiences from the Outside World
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Kingdoms in the Air: Dispatches from the Far Away
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A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli
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Wings: Gifts of Art, Life, and Travel in France
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The William Penn Highway
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The Last Stop: Vanishing Rest Stops of the American Roadside
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Excursions into Modernism: Women Writers, Travel, and the Body
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Atlas of an Anxious Man